Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday Nov.7th 8:56 pm

It has been a long week, and unfortunantly i do not see things getting any easier for a while!
the light at the end of the tunnel that i thought i could see a little bit, is back to the dream
at the end of the tunnel, Is there really a such thing as that light? and just what is the tunnel? I have to wonder!
alone in this battle i guess is the way i need to be,
they say what does not kill us makes us stronger, but to be honest i can't even say it is making me stronger, atleast not in the way i need to be stronger, actually it seems i get weaker instead of stronger, this last week the pain has been kinda unbarible but somehow i keep on pushing through, refusing to take the meds cause i not only get sick from them but also want them to work when i need them worse, i got oncology in a few days see what happens there,
donkeys have been kicking me in the chest a last few days it feels kinda strange, can also feel it in my pulse and kinda takes my breath away for a second,
can't get comfortable the pain in my back and spine is going to drive me coo,


jenn said...

Your never alone. You've always got me. I love you very much mom! Ps... you dont need to be a hero... take the meds.